A Flash perspective on PHP releases

It strikes me as odd that the uptake of PHP5 has been so slow. The snail’s pace at which web hosts are migrating to PHP5 has been hampered not by lack of user interest, but because a few popular PHP applications (OSCommerce, for one) break under PHP5. In this respect, I suppose the web host’s hands are tied.

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Getting serious about backup

Recently I was discussing with my studio-mates what sort of contingency plan we have in place to prevent data loss. We all work as professional designers, and almost 100% of our work for clients is stored in digital format. A hard drive failure, fire, or theft of our computers could be catastrophic, setting us back days – possibly even weeks.

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Relative font sizing made easy

If you’ve not already done so, it’s time to ditch pixels as a unit for sizing fonts. Sizing fonts for the web using ems and relative dimensions is easy and accurate. No really, it is.

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Flash Player 9 released

Adobe Flash Player 9 is available to download now from the Adobe website. The big news about this version of the player is it’s support for Actionscript 3, the new version of the Flash programming language.

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Goodbye hacks.
Hello conditional comments.

Since adopting a standards based approach to web design, I have wasted numerous development hours struggling with inconsistencies in the way web browsers implement the CSS spec. Sure, you can use CSS hacks to serve different CSS rules to different browsers, based on their own quirky interpretation of CSS, but that is a dangerous path to tread.

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